Root Canal Post-Op Instructions

Caring for your tooth

You have just had root canal treatment either fully completed or partially completed on your tooth. In either case, the nerve and vasculature inside of your tooth has been removed and the canal(s) have been filed, shaped, cleaned and disinfected. If the procedure was completed then the canal space(s) were dried, filled and sealed. Either way, your body will begin healing itself now that the source of infection and pain has been removed. This healing process will definitely include some temporary discomfort.

Pain Management
The local anesthetic used to numb your surgical site will wear-off sometime in the next hour. This time interval can vary somewhat from person to person. It is recommended that you take some pain medication to assist in your pain management as the anesthetic block fades. In most cases, all that will be necessary is an over- the-counter medication. If you can take ibuprofen (also called Advil or Motrin) or Aleve, take the maximum dosage permitted for you as indicated on the bottle for the next 24 hours consecutively. In addition, if you have been given a prescription for a stronger medication for pain, and you deem it necessary, fill this prescription at your pharmacy. If after 72 hours you have not needed the extra pain management, please discard the script. Remember it is likely that this drug is a narcotic and therefore you must not drive a car or make any important decisions if you choose to take the medication. If you must drive or work today or in the next few days it is recommended that you only take the over-the-counter pain medication that you have been using. Follow all instructions and warnings given to you by your pharmacist.

For Today
Rest as much as possible for the remainder of the day- Ice packs can be used to minimize pain and swelling anytime within the first 24 hours for 10 minute intervals (10 minutes on then 10 minutes off). Do not leave the ice pack in one area for more than 10 minutes at a time. Do not neglect to eat as this will weaken your immune system and delay your healing. Treat the effected tooth gingerly for the next few days, the temporary filling or crown placed over the area will not withstand the normal forces and pressures as a normal tooth and should be thought of only as a Band-Aid. Brush all your teeth normally today. A clean mouth will heal faster. If you have been given oral antibiotics- take as directed.

Rules for the Next 48 Hours
Continue to minimize physical activity as well as maintain a normal balanced diet. Tomorrow, warm salt water rinses are indicated and you may continue these for a few days. Mix ½ teaspoon of salt with warm 8oz. glass of tap-water. Gently rinse/swish the entire mouth for 30 seconds after meals. If you have been given a prescription mouthwash use as directed.

What is Normal/ Abnormal
Mild swelling may be expected. Numbness or unusual sensation in the jaw bone is expected and this is only temporary. If you start running a significant fever, notice a foul smelling drainage from the area or your pain increases significantly after 36-72 hours please call the office.

Follow Up Visits
If you have been scheduled for any post-operative treatment like drain removal or completion of root canal therapy, do not neglect to keep your appointment. Further complications or infections can result from not returning for follow up treatment. Furthermore, the tooth will require a final restoration to maintain its health and integrity.
Not completing treatment will result in loss of tooth.

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8:00 am-5:00 pm


7:00 am-5:00 pm


7:00 am-5:00 pm


7:00 am-5:00 pm


7:00 am-3:00 pm



