Periodontal Maintenance


Periodic periodontal cleanings help you stay on top of gum disease - If you have periodontal disease, you may already have had a special deep cleaning called scaling and root planing. You also may have had periodontal surgery. The periodic cleanings recommended after these treatments are called periodontal maintenance therapy. The purpose of these cleanings is to help you keep your gums healthy and make sure that periodontal disease does not get worse. 

Your periodontal disease won't go away on its own - Once your periodontal disease is brought under control, it is very important that you get dental care on a regular basis. Cleaning your mouth every day at home is critical, but it's not enough on its own to keep your gum disease under control. Professional dental care is needed to help control gum disease. Periodontal Maintenance involves a cleaning that goes deeper below the gumline than a regular dental cleaning. You need deeper cleanings because spaces have formed between your teeth and gums. These spaces are called periodontal pockets. Bacteria collects in these pockets and eventually the bone that supports the teeth may be destroyed. The deeper the pocket, the worse your gum disease may be. Periodontal maintenance helps to keep pockets from getting deeper, allowing your gums to heal. If the bacteria continue to grow, your gums can become red, puffy, swollen and no longer tightly hug your teeth. This can also create bone loss, which causes your teeth to become loose. With periodontal maintenance, the amount of plaque bacteria is lowered. Then, the inflammation can get better, pockets can shrink and your gums can become healthier. Once gums are healthy, periodic cleanings (periodontal maintenance) can help keep them free from infection. Your dentist may also recommend and use medicines to help lower the periodontal bacteria in your mouth. The medicine could be a pill, a special mouthrinse or a medication that your dentist places right into the pocket after you have a deep cleaning. 

Your teeth and gums may be sensitive - after your treatment. This soreness may make you want to avoid cleaning the treated areas. But it's important to follow your dentist's instructions on home care! If plaque is not removed, root decay may form. Talk with your dentist or hygienist to see if a special toothpaste or other treatments can lower your tooth sensitivity. 

Keep brushing and cleaning between your teeth - Brushing and cleaning between your teeth daily are important for everyone, but even more so if you have gum disease. You should brush your teeth two times each day with a toothpaste that contains fluoride. Use floss or another between-the-teeth cleaner (such as a WaterPik) every day to remove the plaque and bits of food between your teeth and gums. If your gums have pulled away from your teeth, special brushes and wider types of floss and picks may be good choices for you. Your dentist of hygienist may recommend that you use a mouthrinse or powered toothbrush.

Do your part and work with your dental team - With the help of your dental team, you don't have to lose your teeth to gum disease. Periodontal maintenance is most effective if you and your dental team work together. Your dentist has treated your gum disease, but you must also do your part and take good care of your teeth and gums at home every day. 

Is treatment covered by my dental benefits plan? - Check with your dental plan when you are planning treatment with your dental office. However, you should make treatment decisions based on what's best for your health, not just what is covered by your plan. Keep in mind that having periodontal treatment now may be less expensive than replacing a tooth lost to disease!

- American Dental Association

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