Crown & Bridge Post-op Instructions

Temporary/ Provisional Crown or Bridge:
Think of your new provisional restoration as a Band-Aid. It has been cemented on with a weak and temporary adhesive. The material that it has been fashioned from is not designed to stand up to the rigors and force of normal chewing stresses. Furthermore, plaque is attracted to the provisional at a much greater rate as compared to tooth enamel, porcelain or gold. Expect greater sensitivity to air, liquid and chewing. Therefore, until your seating appointment of the final restoration there are a few guidelines that you should follow:
 Attempt to chew the majority of food on the opposite side of your mouth
 Do not eat hard or crunchy foods (nuts) nor heavy or sticky foods (taffy)
 Brush extremely carefully in that area of your mouth
 Rinse with warm salt-water for 30 seconds once per day
The provisional is protecting your natural- prepared tooth underneath, as well as maintaining its rightful place in the dental arch. It is possible for teeth to drift. If your temporary comes off, this is not an emergency. However, you should call the office during normal business hours to set up an appointment to have it re-cemented. In the meantime, either save the restoration and return with it to the office or place it back on yourself. If you want to place it back on temporarily, dry the inside of the temporary crown and outside of your tooth. Next, fill the temporary half-way with temporary tooth cement (that can be purchased at most pharmacies) and gently bite in.
It is your responsibility to follow-through with your seating appointment that was scheduled when leaving today.
Excessive delays in permanent cementation may necessitate a remake of the final restoration, which can likely result in additional charges.
The provisional is not as esthetically pleasing as your permanent restoration will be. This provisional crown is just that- temporary, please be mindful of the suggestions until your final restoration is delivered.

Permanent Crown or Bridge/ Restoration:
Your permanent restoration has been cemented and should provide you with years of reliable service. It is not however an eternal fix without routine care and observation requirements. The adhesive used to cement it permanently in your mouth will take a full 24 hours to completely cure. Therefore, as for the next day, follow the precautionary measures that you have been practicing with your temporary crown. Treat the finished product like the temporary for just one more day.
You should expect to feel sensitivity or slight discomfort for a short time after cementation. This is common. The adhesive utilized can agitate the tooth nerve and will dissipate soon.
The margins of your restoration (where it meets the tooth) are still susceptible to cavities just like your normal teeth. Therefore, daily dental hygiene habits are imperative for its long-term survival. This includes: brushing the gum lines on all sides twice daily as well as flossing daily on all sides (including underneath in the case of a bridge).
Finally, regular dental check-ups are essential for proper long-term observation of the restoration.

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8:00 am-5:00 pm


7:00 am-5:00 pm


7:00 am-5:00 pm


7:00 am-5:00 pm


7:00 am-3:00 pm



